Working of four-strokes diesel engine.| Four stroke - Automobile

 Working of four-stroke Diesel engine

We all like to See, Drive, and seating on Automobiles vehicles. Like buses, trucks, Bikes, and Cars. Engine And Wheels Main components of any automobile vehicle.

Engines are defined, as Engine Convert chemical energy to mechanical energy. In the automobile or automotive industries engine is a very broad Term/Word. Engines are mainly classified into two categories.

Working of 4-stroke diesel engine

 (1) IC Engine (Internal Combustion Engine)
 (2) EC Engine (External Combustion Engine) 

(1) IC Engine (Internal Combustion Engine):- In which engine fuel burns inside of the engine it is called an Internal Combustion Engine. In fuel Include like. Petrol, Diesel, Gas (CNG). In 1806 First Automated car came into being which was run by an Ic engine.

  •  IC Engine is classified into two  Parts.

(1) S.I engine

(2) C. I engine.

The S . I engines used petrol and CNG as fuel. Or it’s called a petrol engine. In C I. engines diesel is used as fuel.

Let’s discuss on working of a 4-stroke diesel engine. (C. I engine)

  • CI Engine (Compression Ignition Engine):- CI  Engine diesel is used as Fuel.  CI Engine is using automobile vehicles that run on Diesel.  Commonly used in Heavy vehicles like Bikes (Bullet, Cars, Trucks, and Special vehicles (Forklift, Bulldozer, JCBs, Road rollers, etc....) The diesel engine is used for heavy-duty vehicles. Ex. Bus, truck, dumper, etc.

Engine working on 4-different strokes.

 (1) Suction.

 (2) Compression.

 (3) Power.

 (4) Exhaust.

Before we discuss the function of 4- strokes, we should know the T.D.C, B.D.C, and cylinder head.

T.D.C:- In a cylinder when the piston reaches the top of the limit or near the cylinder head, this position of the piston is called T.D.C ( Top dead center)

B.D.C:- In a cylinder when the piston reaches below the limit or so far away from the cylinder head, this position of the piston is called B.D.C (Bottom dead center)

Cylinder head:- The cylinder head is the top of the part of the cylinder where the inlet valve and outlet valve are mounted.

Once you clear these terms then it may be easy for you to understand the workings of strokes.

Let's understand function 4 Stroke in a Diesel engine ( This Only For Diesel Engine (CI Engine)

Working of Four-strokes diesel engine 

(1) Suction Stroke:- At the start of the suction stroke piston is at the TDC point. During the suction stroke piston moves downward direction from TDC to BDC, and fresh charge ( air) enters into cylinder chamber through the inlet valve.

(2) Compression Stroke:- At the start of the compression stroke piston is at the BDC point. During the Compression Stroke inlet valve closes. and the piston moves upward direction from BDC to TDC, and the piston compresses the fresh air.

(3) Power Stroke:- At the start of the power stroke piston is at the TDC point. During the power stroke inlet valve and outlet, both valves are closed. And ignite the fully compressed Hot air through the spray of diesel in the cylinder chamber. Diesel sprays by the fuel injector and generates pressure on top of the piston and the piston again moves downward direction.

(4) Exhaust Stroke:- At the start of the exhaust stroke piston is at the BDC point. During the exhaust stroke piston again moves upward direction from BDC to TDC. This time exhaust valve opens and the inlet valve closes. By piston applies push pressure on exhaust gases and burns exhaust gases in the form of smoke out from the cylinder chamber through the exhaust valve. At the end of the strokes exhaust valve closed.

Working of Four-strokes diesel engine

Thus the working cycle is completed in 4-strokes of the piston two revolutions of the crankshaft or one revolution of the camshaft.

In diesel engines generally, only diesel is used as fuel. And full name of diesel fuel is petroleum diesel, also called petro diesel, fossil diesel, or mineral diesel, is the most common type of diesel fuel. 

I hope this information is very helpful to you and get all the answers about the fuel supply system.

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